Faith Formation

“‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’  On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”  Matthew 22:38-40

At Bolton Congregational Church we strive to live these words. Our goal in Faith Formation is that the children leave each class with a better understanding of the Bible and with the knowledge to go out and live their lives in a way that would honor Jesus. They will learn to love their neighbors as themselves and grow as Christians more and more each day. 

Faith Formation Classes

While our youth are always invited to worship with us, they are also encouraged to join with their peers in our Church School Programing.

Church School takes place right at the start of worship, our youth gather in Chandler hall right at 9:30, we learn and then we all gather in the sanctuary for the last portion of worship as a combined community. Youth from K-8th grade are invited.

We also have a background checked, volunteer-staffed nursery available for newborns through age 3 from the start of service until the end. Please reach out for more information.

Our curriculum is Feasting on the WordFeasting on the Word Curriculum is lectionary based and allows the children and adults alike to learn the same scripture lesson each week. 

We offer Church School classes for:

  • pre-K - 1st grade

  • 2nd grade - 8th grade

  • Confirmation Class - 9th grade or older